We will enhance your business profitability with the effective tuning of your business processes

The BPM – Business Process Management method helps organisations to increase their performance, efficiency, profit with the capability to change and in a flexible, interactive way adapt to market demands!

We will enhance your business profitability with the effective tuning of your business processes

The BPM – Business Process Management method helps organisations to increase their performance, efficiency, profit with the capability to change and in a flexible, interactive way adapt to market demands!
When are we helpful?
We will be a support for organisations during the period of their heavy growth or in times of crisis - up-sizing or down-sizing, in time of merging or acquisitions and for new short- and long-term business strategy implementation
We help companies whose market share and business margin are declining to improve their position and increase profitability
We help fast-growing companies to set their business right within short timeframes through fine-tuning of their operative business processes
What is the result?
We consider business processes as strategic assets of an organisation that should be understood, managed, and enhanced to provide valuable products and services to customers
Working with you as a team, we will develop clear and effective business processes. We will train your managers, specialists and employees to work as an integrated holistic entity with a corporate culture to achieve higher levels of success.
We will teach you and your team how to reduce company costs. We will support you to after reviews show on improvement areas and implement changes in practice and, as a result, to reduce costs by 20%.
Together we will find growth points that make it possible to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty by 30%.
100% of our clients confirm that their team has become more coordinated, they grasped the company strategy, defined their shared values and are ready to work for the overall result
Method of setting up business processes
Our work is based on 3 key stages
⦁ Site visit with assessment and quiz
⦁ Definition and understanding of company Mission and Vision with Top Management
⦁ Outline of the Business Model
⦁ Precise setting of company short-term goals 1-2 years and long-term goals 3-5 years
⦁ Identification of 7 success factors from what 3 of these are critical to achieving the goals
⦁ Mapping of the Company Main Process Map
⦁ Formulation of change goals and objectives
⦁ Training and workshops in Business Process Management with Top Management, Middle Management and Specialists
⦁ Communication of Strategy and Main Process Map with SWOT and feedback setting Motivation, Involvement, Responsibility and the Leadership Culture
⦁ Workshops in Lean Management with identification of internal and external cost drivers, analysis, conclusions and suggestions of improvements
⦁ Formulation of change goals and objectives
⦁ Implementation of the process approach in the organisation
⦁ Assign Process Managers and Process Teams
⦁ Detailed process description
⦁ The model definition for measurements
⦁ Teaching Teams to make Process improvements and solve problems
⦁ Definition of zone improvements in different processes
⦁ Monitoring Results and Improvements
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Claes Berlin
Master of Science in Electronic Engineering at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, www.chalmers.se Operations and Business Process Management expert, Senior Management Advisor, Business Consultant, Business coach.
35 years' experience in the commercial and scientific international Space market as Quality Manager and Quality Director at SAAB Ericsson Space and RUAG Space. Claes is certified as Assessor to EFQM, Lead Assessor to ISO 9001, ISO 14000 and AS / EN / JISQ 9100.
Dmitry Titarev

Strategic marketing and business process management expert. PhD, MBA, Business consultant, Business coach. Associate Program Director at the Stockholm School of Economics Russia. 20 years of experience in international commercial markets.
Alexey Khiliuk

Operations and business process management expert, management system standardisation (ISO 9001; GDP). Business consultant
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